Sunday, December 20, 2009

its real.

as i lay here on my couch watching the precious movie "UP" im just thinking about a few being how this has been a super long day, two how much i don't want to go to school tomorrow, three how ready i am for Christmas...and a haircut. but what really is capturing my thoughts would be the thing that i thought about this morning in church....
its something i hear all the time but it really just became so real to me this morning and it made my heart so sad. i don't even know why this came to my mind but my mind wonders a lot so its no surprise that i think of such random things sometimes. But I'm guessing something Shannon said stood out to me and honestly i don't remember what that certain thing was but it made me start thinking about my teacher and the people i go to school with. i realized today that out of all those people in that school I'm the only one that has a relationship with Jesus and that broke my heart. I love my teacher so much. she is so fun and you can tell that she wants to teach you everything she possibly can. she is great at what she does. her kids are precious too. and then there is my Spanish friend. she cracks me up and half the time i don't even know what she is saying. she brought her daughter to school with her last Saturday and we talked for forever because she can speak English and Spanish and that just amazed me ha ha. and of course Crystal. she is awesome and could do some fancy nail art. she makes me laugh every single day. i enjoy each of these ladies company and i was thinking the morning that if anything ever happened to them or me i would never ever see them again. I want to change that.
They know that i am a christian because every morning i do my Jesus time at my desk. a few of them have made comments to me or have asked what i was doing and that's exciting because then i get to share all about it and why i do it. Crystal has told me that she does her quit time at night but by the way the acts you can tell she is producing no fruit....but shame on me to judge her. Janette (the Spanish lady) is from Cuba and the other day we were talking about Christmas and she told us that she doesn't celebrate Christmas. she never has and never will. i was shocked so i asked her why and she told me its because her dad is in the military in Cuba so the cant have a religion so when she moved to the U.S she didn't even know what Christmas was or how to celebrate. i was blown away. that shows how sheltered. Ms. D, my teacher has shared with me before about how she used to be this religion but now she isn't anything and doesn't go to church. and as long as your a good person it okay. And she is right being a good person is great but there is so much more she is missing. It all just made me so sad and then i got so frustrated with myself because here we were having an hour and a half long conversation about something i am so passionate about and i just sat there in silence not knowing one thing to say. Why is that? its not that i was scared to say what i believe i just had no words.
So ever since then i have wanted to share now more then ever and i think with the realization i had today i can do it a little better. And a little praying form you guys would hurt either :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

welcome back.

its been a while since ive been on here. but life's been crazy busy. but hopefully that will change soon and i can start relaxing a bit.
But anyways I'm super excited that Christmas is so soon. Soon as week! Although i haven't got all my Christmas shopping done I'm super excited to see Travis, Micah, and Shar when they come home. Although i don't talk to them much i sure do miss them. This is a special Christmas for me because its the first Christmas i will have a boyfriend, and a great one at that, and hopefully we will have many more to come. :)
On another note...God is so good. His truth is becoming more and more real and evident to me and i love it. Ive gone through the book of Isaiah, just finished Romans and now starting Luke. Romans was so good and encouraging and this has been a stressful month so i don't think its any mistake that Romans was what i was reading this month. God is cool...He is indeed. So many things have stood out to me while reading Romans i cant even begin to tell you but i always like to give at least one example of how and this is the one that stood out the most...
Romans 15:5 says this " May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other- each with the attitude of Christ Jesus toward the other." okay so recently i have been praying that my attitude would not be all about me and my pride and selfishness. But as i prayed that i kept feeling like i wasn't saying the right words, like something was missing, (if that makes sense) and what do you know God gave me an answer that very week. My attitude needs to be like Jesus. joyful, loving, kind, good, pure etc.... That's what i want my heart to look Jesus.
Have i mentioned that God is cool? because he really really is. you know why? Because all the stuff i just said goes along with this song that i just so happen to be singing all week long. like as soon as i woke up it was in my head i at wouldn't leave. it says " Jesus give me your heart, break me down, build me up. let who i was keep falling apart, come on and let the fire start give me your heart. my creator oh my creator. may i be low low low so your made higher. may i be low low low so your made higher. for I'm weak then you are strong, weak for you are strong in the weak man" Now your probably like how in the world does that go together...well i have a weird brain/thought processes so let me explain....first by saying Jesus give me your heart its kinda like saying Jesus give me an attitude like you. I want Jesus to break me, to humble me so i can see more of him and less of me. I want him to build me up, to be strong in him and have a fire in my heart for him. But here is the main point i want to get across. It says may i be low low low so your made higher....okay everyone who knows me knows that i love my analogy of "going deeper" and each morning before i even get out of bed i pray that i will be made lower today so he will be exalted on high and that he will take me deeper with him that day. Well i was thinking about it and those kinda go hand in hand...if you go low then your going down, or going deeper and he is being made higher as you seek and find more of him. okay now imagine a circle. Jesus is the circle and you are this little bitty dot in the middle but as you find him he takes you deeper, making you lower and boom your at the bottom, right by Jesus. A lot of people would probably think" i want to be in the middle of the circle that way he is all around me, equal on every side". Well I'm sorry my friend you are wrong because remember we want to have an attitude like Jesus. The world (the circle) doesn't revole around us. Its all about him so we never just want to be right in the middle we want to be right by him :) does that all make sense? i hope so!
okay well some food is calling my name. i Hope you have a wonderful day. and i promise it wont be a million years before i write again....not that anyone cares ha ha.
jordan katlin.

Monday, November 9, 2009

part 2.

hello all. i know i posted a long one last night but i wanted to finish it. so, here it goes...
Can i first just say that God is just good. he blows my mind and i love it. Okay with that being said ill start in chapter 42 in Isaiah. verse one says " Look at my servant, whom I strengthen. He is my chosen one, and i am pleased with him." hmm that's good stuff. I am God`s chosen one. that in itself is incredible. i am His beloved Child. i cant fully comprehend that. Okay but not only are we his chosen but he also strengthens us. That is such an encouragement to me because life is tough and i know i need his help each and everyday. Each morning before i even get out of bed i give my day to Jesus, confessing that i need him today and knowing that he is the only one that can give me all the strength i need for that day. and sure enough God comes through every time. Have i mentioned how good He is? :) (i also suggest you go read Isaiah 42:6-7)
On in chapter 43, basically all of that chapter is good and i underlined most of the chapter but my very favorite parts were these..." I have called you by my name, you are mine...I will be with are precious to me. You are honored and i love you. ( that is different parts of verses 1-4) Oh i love it! God clearly tells us we are his. He has written my name upon his heart, carved it in his hand. He is with me always, never changing. We are his precious lambs :). He honors us so we should honor him and give me all the glory honor and praise he deserves because clearly, he is worth it! He loves us! AH that makes me so excited!
As i read all these chapters i am picturing in my mind a guy standing on the street corner just shouting all this stuff. He is so excited and just wants people to understand how good God is. that might sound silly but that's what i picture.
He mentions in chapter 43 and again in 44 how he "blots out all our sin" he tells us he will never think of them again. he has scattered them as far as the east is to the west. hmmm isn't that such a comfort. I think it is because i know i mess up each day but praise the Lord that i am a victim of grace and he holds nothing against me.
So I'm still not done but sadly i have to go get ready for dreaded work. ill finish this soon. promise. Have a beautiful Monday!
-jordan katlin.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

an over due post.

well hello blog! ....i haven't seen you in a while. but that's my fault and i do apologize. forgive me? i hope so!

Where to begin? a lot has happened and I'm sure I'm going to leave something out but ill start with this... The month of October has been very kind, and beautiful to me. ya wanna know why? 1.)the 18th was one month for me and Alex (if that sounds cheesy, I'm sorry but it makes me happy :))
2.)the 31st Alana, Michelle, and i dressed up like 80s girls, although i kinda ended up looking more like a clown but it was still fun!
3.) i also finished the star wars movies...yes i know be proud! and the best part is...i didn't hate them. i guess i owe you an apology, star wars movies for making fun of you. i hope you will forgive me.
So many other good things happened in October but thats over now and I'm looking forward to what November has in store for me. So far it has been fabulous! this past week was incredible. and i needed it for sure! after work and school every day its draining (those of you who read this are probably thinking I'm being a baby but hey growing up is still new to me) but this week i was definitely refreshed. Sunday- I went to church with Alex. it was awesome. Afterwards we went to Greg's house and had some good food and good bible study. Monday- i got to sleep in so that always just makes my day better :) Tuesday- I got to school and realized that i now have enough hours that i can be on the floor, meaning i can work on clients. which is exciting and makes me nervous all at the same time. Another thing that happened Tuesday, i got to talk to my boss but work next semester. I'm a team leader right now and if you cant tell by my earlier blogs, well I'm not the biggest fan of my job. its stressful and hectic and i always have to stay over time and never get paid. SO after talking with my boss she said she would move me to being a tutor. which is 10 times better to say the least. Tuesday night at bible study was awesome and to finish my great day i had a wonderful wonderful conversation with Alex. Wednesday- I had an incredible time with Jesus. those days just always great. Thursday- Thursday Fun Night. nothing else needs to be said. Friday- i had a date, and another wonderful talk with Alex. Saturday- I experienced my very first TN Vols game, and it was with Alex. i had a blast! it was a perfect ending to a perfect week!
Now i also wanted to tell you about what God did in my heart this week because it makes me smile. I heard this song and the words were simply "Jesus" over and over again. while listening to them singing i was thinking...why don't we get excited when we here that name anymore? why aren't we falling on our faces surrendering to him and simply just in awe of his goodness and grace? We have gotten why to comfortable with it and i cant say that i like it all that much. lets me and you change that. I also got introduced to a new analogy, which you can imagine made me happy because i love analogy's :) Alright so its the picture at the top(sorry I'm not the greatest artist) and ill try to explain it as good as he did. the water is the judgement and the fish in the water are the people. The boat represents Jesus and the person in the boat is meant to be the christian. and then the net. each christian has their own net that we are suppose mend and clean and keep strong. Were not only suppose to do that we are most importantly, throw the net out and catch the people to save the from judgment. make sense? i hope so!
To add a long to that, i was thinking about it afterwards. and in order to throw are net out and to be able to pull it back up with out the devil pulling us down with them we have to be strong and grounded in Jesus, in that boat. if that makes any sense at all. Now something else God has been teaching me....i am still going through the book of Isaiah and in chapter 37 verse 26 it says " It was i the Lord, who decided this long ago. I planned what I am now causing to happen" then in verse 28 it says " But i know you well- your coming and goings and all you do" I thought both of those verses were so cool and after reading them i was humbled. Shame on me for ever thinking i was big enough to handle something on my own or that i bigger then God. because clearly, I'm not. Its cool to think though that God is big enough. he is big enough to handle all and everything. he knows everything that's going to happen. he knows all about you and loves you. just thinking about that leaves me in awe.
The next verse that i really liked was in chapter 38, the ending of verse 19, " Each generation can make known your faithfulness to the next" that was more of a challenge to me i guess. I have had those leaders and girls in my life who have poured there love into me and taught me what it meant to be a leader and how to love Jesus with all my heart. Melissa always told me i was apart of the generation that seeks his face. and i think she is totally right. But now i want to be that to some young girl who is shy, innocent and ridiculous just like i was. On into chapter 41 talks about Israel and how they are God`s chosen people. in verse 9 it says " For I have chosen you and will not throw you away. Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious hand." wow! i know he is talking to Israel here but i like to think he is talking to me. Go read that and throw in your name at the beginning of each sentence. it is good stuff my friend!
Okay well i have so much more to share but i can only blog for so long. so they will be saved until next time i write. i hope you enjoy my dear friend. have a joyful day you are loved!
-jordan katlin.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

a new song.

well where to begin? this week has been crazy.

lets start with school. i changed schools. i now go to Franklin Academy. and so far so good. i am actually learning which is marvelous. i have learned more the past 5 days at Franklin then i did the whole month i was at new concepts. and unfortunately my hours from new concepts didn't transfer and we have to pay them a lot of money for nothing. so that's annoying but oh well that's life right? i am happy where i am now. I've learned how to wax eyebrows and do the basic facial. so that's pretty cool. i think i am going to enjoy this.

and work...I'm off allll week for fall break. the end on that subject :)

and what i really want to talk and Jesus! i am falling more in love with him and i am loving it. he is so incredible and leaves me in awe. this morning i went to church with Alex at Greenway and it was really good. you know the song solid rock? the old hymn that everyone knows. well we sang that today and I'm pretty sure that song has never been more real to me and has never made me smile so big then it did this morning. just listen to the hope is built on nothing less then Jesus blood and righteousness. i dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. when darkness seems to hide is face i rest on his unchanging grace. in every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the veil. when he shall come with trumpet sound oh may i then in him be found. dressed in his righteousness alone faultless to stand before the throne. and then the chours we all know...on Christ the solid rock i stand all other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking sand..... wow isn't that awesome! i loved it and when i was singing it this morning me and my heart were smiling. on another Jesus note.... :)... in the last post i told you that i had started reading Isaiah and i think i stopped on chapter 7 in the post well I'm going to skip to chapter 11. Isaiah 11:1-5 describes Jesus in a beautiful and perfect way. and he is beautiful and perfect so they did a pretty good job don't ya think? :) so go read it! on down in verse 9 the last part says "and as the waters fill the seas, so the earth will be filled with people who know the Lord" i picture that in my head as people all around, people who love Jesus with all their heart, who know is goodness, and have experienced is grace and mercy. picture us all gathered together, a group as big as the sea, all worshiping our savior, our God. i love it! i wish i could paint because i think i could create some pretty awesome painting....but i cant so ill stick to photography :) oh and speaking of paintings i think God is an awesome one. Just look at the earth. but i can also see it when i read the bible. maybe poet would be a better chapter 18 of Isaiah verse 4 says this "i will watch quietly from my dwelling place-as quietly as the heat rises on a summer day, or as the dew forms on an autumn morning during the harvest" isn't that beautiful!? i think so! on down in the last part of verse 7, actually its the last sentence in the chapter it says "..the place where is name dwells" when i read that i thought of how cool it would be if the place that his name dwells would be upon my heart. like i cant explain it entirely but i want my heart to be his dwelling place. my heart is his. i want him to take me deeper. teach me how to love him more. trust him more and have faith like Paul did. i love spending time with him. he is my daddy and i have the privilege to crawl up in his lap each day to listen to his stories and to feel his heart beat. i am blessed.
so i think this post is coming to an end. i feel like i went all over the place in this but oh well...have a beautiful day :)
-jordan katlin.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

fall is here.

well what a beautiful fall morning it is. Jesus is good! i know i say that a lot but i just keep realizing more and more each day. its really cool. i woke up today wide a wake...and it was 7:30 in the morning. that's not normal for me. i also woke up wanting to go visit the other beauty school today, franklin academy. Not just wanting to visit but feeling like i really really need to. So I'm going tomorrow at 12 to look at it and see if i like it better. I thought since i was feeling so strongly about it this morning that God might be placing a peace upon my heart and showing me a direction on to what to do and where to go so i was feeling pretty good about it and then i show up at school and there is a new girl coming into my class. that made me so confused because she is also going to be full time (staying until 2) which means i would have someone to talk to and learn with. which as been my problem from the start. not having anyone here to learn with me. so now I'm all confused again. i guess i will just see how it goes tomorrow when i visit the other school. and like Alex said i just have to keep praying about it.

on another note, a kinda sad note. i wont be seeing my boo much at all until next week. he cant go to pigeon forge with us this weekend because he has to work. i was hoping he would be able to because one, i would get to spend time with him and two, he deserves a break. i met him last night at panera he was doing homework and the poor thing was so stressed. it made me sad. he had had a rough Monday. I'm ready for this week to be over for him and for me. but no worries because I'm praying for him :)

yesterday i read Isaiah 6 and wow God humbled me so much. I started Isaiah like a week ago i guess and honestly its been kinda depressing because all God is talking about is the destruction that is going to happen to those who don't believe and clearly that doesn't apply to me. but there has been verses here and there that have stood out to me. like for example....Isaiah 1:18 " No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow." hearing that made me think of something i read in my Jesus time like a year ago saying "Soak me in your laundry and ill come out clean, scrub me and ill have a snow-white life..set these once broken bones to dancing" man that's good stuff! and should be so encouraging to hear. Another verse i liked a lot is Isaiah 3:10 "But all will be well for those who are godly. Tell them, " You will receive a wonderful reward!" I liked that because through all this destruction and evil time God still promises peace for his lovers. i liked that a lot. he is good! Then i got to Isaiah 6 and like i said he humbled me so incredibly much. I'm sure all of you have heard the song that goes a little something like this "i saw the Lord seated on the throne. He is clothed in glory and exalted high. The train of his robe filled the temple and angles gathered round him and cried. You are holy oh so holy. you are holy Lord of all" That song brings back precious memories for me because me and miss michelle peters use to sing it the top of our lungs :) another reason for liking that song so much is because every time i hear it it paints a beautiful picture in my head of heaven. Well i say all that because that is what Isaiah 6 is talking about. And yesterday when i read it i realized yet again of how small i am and how big God really is. he blows my mind and leaves me standing in awe. and then today i read Isaiah 7 and the verse that i loved in this chapter was the last part of verse 9. it says "If you want me to protect you, learn to believe what i say" I read that and it just made me laugh a little. God already knew we were going to doubt him and have little faith so he just told us straight up to just trust him. Just to expect him and he can and will do great things.

A lot of times when I'm reading the bible i think man God was so good then and look at all the amazing things he did. well um excuse me katie, HELLO! God is the same yesterday today and forever. meaning, he can still do those same exact things he did then. he just have to expect him to. make sense? i hope so!

I'm so glad fall is finally here. I'm ready for cute jackets and cuddling up with my star wars blanket! :). give Jesus this day. you cant do it with out him. let him regin in your heart. allow him to consume you. that's all i got. have a wonderful day in Christ Jesus :)

-jordan katlin.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

a kindergartner.

well as i sit here at school i keep thinking a lot about if this is really what i want to do. i know that me and this school have got off to a rough start and certainly makes me want to just forget about this whole thing but then again i know that i just cant do that. i kinda feel like I'm settling but then again i don't. there are so many thoughts going on in my head about it and it kinda makes me stressed and frustrated but that is also a good thing because now all i know to do about it is pray. I know God will lead me in the right direction. He is here and he will always will be. He will never leave me or forsake me. Thank you Jesus :)

So recently i have felt like a kindergartner in my spiritual walk. now don't go off and judge me just yet. i got some good stuff here. I say that because everything that has been pushing me, encouraging me, and helping me grow is stuff that i have known forever. I think I'm just realizing it in a new way. Like for example... Jesus you are good. yes we all know that but truly think for just a second of how good God really is. He lavishes his grace and mercy upon us everyday His love for us is so big. you cant even comprehend it. The same God that hung the moon and stars, that painted the grass green, who knows how many hairs you have on your head,who gave life its name, and knows your last breath even before you breath it. yea him...he loves you. and see i have grown up my whole life knowing those two very simple facts. I remember running around the house singing with my dad " God is good...all the the darkest night his light will shine..yes God is good...he`s so good..alllllll thhhe timmmme" and of course the Jesus loves me song. but i never realized just how big his goodness and love really is. so let that be my challenge to you today.

also... we had an awesome bible study the other night at miss Lauren Curry's house..along with some really good cheese dip and puppy chow :) we were talking about how we have power in Jesus name and we can claim that! wow i wish you guys could have been there because it made me so so so excited! there is power in Jesus name and all we have to do is claim that and have small as a mustard seed and my God can move a mountain. yea he is that good. and i think it is an honor to worship him.

last night at church we had a really good worship service. Ryan lead worship, and Adam and Justin spoke. they all did a really good job. one thing that stuck out to me the most was a quote by Justin. he said this " god is only emptying you so you can give you more" i liked that a lot! we all go through tough times where we feel drained and empty and wondering why we aren't on fire for Jesus and things like that but really, if we would only look at little deeper and wait just a tad bit longer we would realize that he has something big and grand for us and in order for him to give us this big, wonderful and great thing he first has to empty us. Now knowing this doesn't make it any easier to go through. i hate when i feel far from God but i do thing knowing this helps me to have more faith and trust in Jesus more which we all need to pray we get better at. so that just a word of encouragement for ya. have a beautiful day :)

-jordan katlin

Friday, September 18, 2009

an update.

well i have been in school for almost a week...kinda. We got off to a rough start but hopefully it will only get better. My teacher seems pretty nice..kinda weird but oh well. I'm just ready to start learning how to do everything. and i guess i am starting to..i`ve done 15 pages worth of key terms, chapter reviews, wrote a paper, and there is a test on Monday. so yea i guess I'm learning its just going very slow. But I'm not really the biggest fan of just coming and sitting. my teacher only stays till 12:30 so that's kind of annoying and the girl I'm suppose to be doing this with never ever comes and the gay guy in my class is so freaking annoying because he comes in high everyday. but anyways ill stop being negative about it i just had to vent for a second.

now is getting better. slowly but surly. i came to the realization that the reason i was hating it was because i had a horrible attitude about it and was expecting it to be the worst. So i have now decided that i am going to try my best to be positive about it and expect it to go good. I really do have some cute kids. Emma wants to be my little helper, Ashton is...oh my word..a handful to say the lest. i actually had to chase me around the church the other day. Gloria always wants to know whats going on and makes friends with everyone. Johnathan loves to love. Nathaniel is precious but can get into some trouble if he wants. Kyliegh never ever talks. Katylin is so cute. Taylor..he never wants to listen but if you put him in charge of something he will make sure its done. The other day he actually gave me this picture of hearts and smiley faces that he drew in art..i thought it was sweet until he asked if he could have it back right when he left... Rusty makes me want to scream but he can have his precious moments..i think. i haven't seen one yet but i know their there. Jasia minds me which i love. Wyatt is so stinkin polite. every little boy should act like him. Micahel is one that I'm learning how to love. and then there is Micah. he is by far my favorite one. he is precious and so cute and is so excited to see me every single day. he just might be the reason i go to work everyday. just kidding....kinda.

But no matter how good or bad work and school might be life is good. I went walking on the greenway a few nights ago with Alex and had a wonderful time. We talked about Jesus a lot and i loved it! He encouraged me and challenged me in so many ways and he doesn't even know he did. but once he reads this he will. so Alex, i thank you :).

I heard a song on the radio a few days ago and it said something about deep calls to deep. and you can imagine that i got super excited but the sad news is that i don't know the name of the song, who sings it, or any other words from the song. boo. Jesus is continuing to draw himself closer to me and taking me deeper. and i am loving it. I was looking over my journal from this past summer and i found a quote that i love "you determine the depth of your relationship with Jesus" how true is that! i mean yes Jesus is always right here wanting to pursue us, love us, and care for us but you first have to let him in. he isn't going to make you do anything. its your choice. i don't know if that makes any sense but friends my challenge to you today is to invite Jesus into your thoughts today and let him pursue you because that's exactly what he wants to do. I am continuing to fall more in love with him and that makes me so excited and places a peace upon my heart.

I was talking to my sister n law the last night and she said something along the lines of..."i am so proud of you. you have so much going on and still have time to date." it made me laugh but i thought it was so true. everything new is hitting me all at once. but it doesn't feel like I'm that busy. I guess that shows that Jesus has been alive and real to be over the past month. but any who i replied with..."well i mean...i don't hate it. and by it i mean the dating part :)"

-jordan katlin.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


so today was the day i started school and the kiddies came to work for the first time and let me tell you...its nothing i expected it would be at all. today i did a lot of sitting and listening and today i also did a lot of yelling and standing. its confusing i know. i get to school at 8 a.m. i wait about an hour and the girl that i will be working with while at school comes. so now we both wait...and wait...and wait some more. are teacher never shows up. how stupid right? yes right! but it was also okay because i got to know this girl pretty well. she is clearly not a christian but how cool is it that reglion got brought up. not only in front of her but her and two other girls. it was awesome. and the best part is it all started with me showing them the tattoo i want.
my tattoo comes from psalm 42 and when they found that out they asked if i was a christian. my response was yes. so they asked the church i went to and a few other question. then one of the girls started telling me how she didn't know if there was a God and she doesn't believe in church. well i then got to tell them what i believe and how incredible God is and it was really cool because by the end of it they were saying how cool it was that i was so strong in my faith. i thought it was a pretty great compliment that a non believer could see that in me. it made me pretty excited to say the least. i am also pretty excited that i get to share the love of Jesus with them for the next 8 mouths. so pray for me.
now on to work. i was so scared about today. i wasn't nervous or anything until i went to training for the past 2 weeks. and man the scared me to death. but i had to suck it up and do it. so i get there today ready as i will ever be. so finally my little kiddies arrive and then all the craziness began. i have about 15 little ones that are k-1st grade. so there was a lot of yelling going on. i had some that were so precious that didn't say a word the entire time. some that wouldn't shut up. and some that were just weird. but despite all of that i know God has placed me there for a reason and i know i am suppose to love on those kids because i know they don't get the love that they need at home. its pitiful but I'm glad i will be the one who has an honor to do it instead.
so that was my very new day. and now its time for bed because 6:45 am gets here really fast. so goodnight all. i will talk to you again soon.
-jordan katlin

Saturday, September 5, 2009

the way i feel.

where to begin... i know! I begin aesthetic school in a matter of days. it just so happens that the same day i start school is the same day all the little kiddies come to the bcu for the first time. i feel like tuesday is going to be a very big day for me and i don't really know what to expect but in the mist of all the confusion i know I'm ready. God has and is preparing me for what is about to come and I'm looking forward to it. another recently i have loved just resting in the fact that jesus is good. just those three simply words put such great peace upon my heart and i smile every time the thought comes to my mind.
I would love to know God better and better (like it says in colossians). like it never be enough. i just keep wanting more and keep wanting to go deeper in his love. how incredible that would be. so I'm going after that challenge! you people keep me accountable to that :).
there is a song that is one of my favorites at the moment. the revelation song and oh man i get excited every time i hear it. the chorus is great " holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come. with all creation i sing praise to the kings of kings you are my everything and i will adore you." wow. that paints a beautiful picture in my mind. me standing there with the rest of the world singing to and glorify the one who is set apart. the one who is holy. he is all i could ever want need or imagine. and the best part is i have him. or better yet, he has me. he is holding me, loving me, molding me, and listening to me. i not only like, love, or care for him i adore him. to me that's the best you can get. the whole song is totally incredible but the last verse blows my mind every time. it says "filled with wonder, aw struck wonder at the mention of your name. Jesus your name is power, breath and living water such a marvelous mystery" again it paints a beautiful but very messy picture in my mind. i can imagine all i want to of what heaven or jesus looks like but i am really never going to know exactly what he looks like until i see him face to face. so this song says it perfectly. i am filled with wonder every time i think about looks or appearances. it is a beautiful mystery. but a fact i do know is that its going to big, beautiful, and better then i can imagine. its a surprise that i will have until the day i die..and surprisingly, I'm okay with that. now come on doesn't that make you the least bit excited? if it doesn't then something is wrong with you my friend :)
well its late. and i think I'm done with my 2nd blog post. hope you enjoy my random little thoughts. have a fantastic day my dearly loved friends.
-jordan katlin.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

my turn.

I`m very new to this but excited to see how it goes. hold on tight because its going to be fun. lets start with this....

18 you are very new to me but we have already had our ups and downs. What do you have in store for me over the next year? I can only wonder and imagine. but im okay with that because i love surprise`s. im going to be watching and becoming aware of what is happing in my year with you. you should be fun. and i like fun. i ready for you 18th year so bring. it. on.
- jordan katlin.