as i lay here on my couch watching the precious movie "UP" im just thinking about a few things....one being how this has been a super long day, two how much i don't want to go to school tomorrow, three how ready i am for Christmas...and a haircut. but what really is capturing my thoughts would be the thing that i thought about this morning in church....
its something i hear all the time but it really just became so real to me this morning and it made my heart so sad. i don't even know why this came to my mind but my mind wonders a lot so its no surprise that i think of such random things sometimes. But I'm guessing something Shannon said stood out to me and honestly i don't remember what that certain thing was but it made me start thinking about my teacher and the people i go to school with. i realized today that out of all those people in that school I'm the only one that has a relationship with Jesus and that broke my heart. I love my teacher so much. she is so fun and you can tell that she wants to teach you everything she possibly can. she is great at what she does. her kids are precious too. and then there is my Spanish friend. she cracks me up and half the time i don't even know what she is saying. she brought her daughter to school with her last Saturday and we talked for forever because she can speak English and Spanish and that just amazed me ha ha. and of course Crystal. she is awesome and could do some fancy nail art. she makes me laugh every single day. i enjoy each of these ladies company and i was thinking the morning that if anything ever happened to them or me i would never ever see them again. I want to change that.
They know that i am a christian because every morning i do my Jesus time at my desk. a few of them have made comments to me or have asked what i was doing and that's exciting because then i get to share all about it and why i do it. Crystal has told me that she does her quit time at night but by the way the acts you can tell she is producing no fruit....but shame on me to judge her. Janette (the Spanish lady) is from Cuba and the other day we were talking about Christmas and she told us that she doesn't celebrate Christmas. she never has and never will. i was shocked so i asked her why and she told me its because her dad is in the military in Cuba so the cant have a religion so when she moved to the U.S she didn't even know what Christmas was or how to celebrate. i was blown away. that shows how sheltered. Ms. D, my teacher has shared with me before about how she used to be this religion but now she isn't anything and doesn't go to church. and as long as your a good person it okay. And she is right being a good person is great but there is so much more she is missing. It all just made me so sad and then i got so frustrated with myself because here we were having an hour and a half long conversation about something i am so passionate about and i just sat there in silence not knowing one thing to say. Why is that? its not that i was scared to say what i believe i just had no words.
So ever since then i have wanted to share now more then ever and i think with the realization i had today i can do it a little better. And a little praying form you guys would hurt either :)
kater sue...i will be praying and i am very proud that you are willing to be bold!! miss you and hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! love, vanner roo.