Monday, December 14, 2009

welcome back.

its been a while since ive been on here. but life's been crazy busy. but hopefully that will change soon and i can start relaxing a bit.
But anyways I'm super excited that Christmas is so soon. Soon as week! Although i haven't got all my Christmas shopping done I'm super excited to see Travis, Micah, and Shar when they come home. Although i don't talk to them much i sure do miss them. This is a special Christmas for me because its the first Christmas i will have a boyfriend, and a great one at that, and hopefully we will have many more to come. :)
On another note...God is so good. His truth is becoming more and more real and evident to me and i love it. Ive gone through the book of Isaiah, just finished Romans and now starting Luke. Romans was so good and encouraging and this has been a stressful month so i don't think its any mistake that Romans was what i was reading this month. God is cool...He is indeed. So many things have stood out to me while reading Romans i cant even begin to tell you but i always like to give at least one example of how and this is the one that stood out the most...
Romans 15:5 says this " May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other- each with the attitude of Christ Jesus toward the other." okay so recently i have been praying that my attitude would not be all about me and my pride and selfishness. But as i prayed that i kept feeling like i wasn't saying the right words, like something was missing, (if that makes sense) and what do you know God gave me an answer that very week. My attitude needs to be like Jesus. joyful, loving, kind, good, pure etc.... That's what i want my heart to look Jesus.
Have i mentioned that God is cool? because he really really is. you know why? Because all the stuff i just said goes along with this song that i just so happen to be singing all week long. like as soon as i woke up it was in my head i at wouldn't leave. it says " Jesus give me your heart, break me down, build me up. let who i was keep falling apart, come on and let the fire start give me your heart. my creator oh my creator. may i be low low low so your made higher. may i be low low low so your made higher. for I'm weak then you are strong, weak for you are strong in the weak man" Now your probably like how in the world does that go together...well i have a weird brain/thought processes so let me explain....first by saying Jesus give me your heart its kinda like saying Jesus give me an attitude like you. I want Jesus to break me, to humble me so i can see more of him and less of me. I want him to build me up, to be strong in him and have a fire in my heart for him. But here is the main point i want to get across. It says may i be low low low so your made higher....okay everyone who knows me knows that i love my analogy of "going deeper" and each morning before i even get out of bed i pray that i will be made lower today so he will be exalted on high and that he will take me deeper with him that day. Well i was thinking about it and those kinda go hand in hand...if you go low then your going down, or going deeper and he is being made higher as you seek and find more of him. okay now imagine a circle. Jesus is the circle and you are this little bitty dot in the middle but as you find him he takes you deeper, making you lower and boom your at the bottom, right by Jesus. A lot of people would probably think" i want to be in the middle of the circle that way he is all around me, equal on every side". Well I'm sorry my friend you are wrong because remember we want to have an attitude like Jesus. The world (the circle) doesn't revole around us. Its all about him so we never just want to be right in the middle we want to be right by him :) does that all make sense? i hope so!
okay well some food is calling my name. i Hope you have a wonderful day. and i promise it wont be a million years before i write again....not that anyone cares ha ha.
jordan katlin.

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