two things before i start to talk about what is blog post is really all about...
one: this post might not make a lot of since, just a warning.
two: i have decided that I'm going to start carrying my camera everywhere i go so i can become a grand photographer.
okay now the post begins......
Recently i have been asking the Lord for something. i don't know what i was asking him for exactly but yesterday he for sure answered me :) I honestly don't know how he answered me and what he answered but in my heart i know he did because i could feel it smiling. In a new way he became so real and i understood just a little more of him in a fresh way. don't you just love that feeling? i do. its one of my favorites. i think my heart started to skip a beat when we started singing " Ti's so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word; just to rest upon his promise, just to know "thus saith the Lord" Jesus, Jesus how i trust him! How I've proved him o'er and o'er Jesus Jesus precious Jesus O for grace to trust him more. O how sweet to trust in Jesus, just to trust his cleansing blood; just in simple faith to plunge me 'neath the healing cleansing flood. Ti's so sweet in trust in Jesus. just from sin and self to cease; just from Jesus simply taking life and rest an joy and peace. I'm so glad i learned to trust him, precious Jesus, savior, friend; and i know that he is with me, will be with me till the end."
WOW. i have heard that song over and over again through the years and yesterday was the first time i really got it. it is now my desire to learn and for you also to learn to trust him more, to simply take him at his word and to rest upon his promise (that one i have done many many times). Although this is a beautiful song and is so true it is still so complete hard to do. everyone knows it, is so hard for us to trust fully in Jesus. we like to handle things on our own. and its actually kinda scary to trust in him completely because we have no idea what his plan is for our lives and where he is going to take us. weather the be out of our comfort zone or not. but that's when the "simple faith" comes into play and if we do exactly that we will have the "life, rest, joy, and peace"
God is good isn't he? he leaves me standing in awe quite often. but i love it. i love praising him and loving him. its so worth it because then i get to experience moments like these in my life. the little treasure that i will carry in my heart forever. i want Jesus to be proud of me. my life is his. and i hope yours is to. i mean after Christ alone my home is found :) you are loved my friends. have a beautiful Monday.
-jordan katlin.
"so ill stand with arms high and heart abandoned in awe of the one who gave it all. so ill stand to you lord my soul surrender. all i am is yours"
You are amazing... just thought you should know... I'm inspired.