It has been almost a year since i lasted posted something. i guess I'm not very good at keeping up with this stuff. but i hope that changes starting in 3.....2.....1....
As i was spending time with Jesus today i realized some new things that i wanted to share with you all...i have three things to share so ready set go!
1.) "Praise is not a response to our circumstances, which constantly fluctuate. Praise is a response to the goodness and love of God who never changes." -Nancy Leigh DeMoss
i read this quote tonight over and over again just thinking about how true it actually is, following this quote was a little story about the weather and how we never really know what its going to do (ex. when the wind blows, when clouds come on a sunny day etc...) The weather made me think of the awful tornado's that came here about four weeks ago. I had never experienced anything like it and never ever want to again. The after math was so sad, so heart breaking, pulling out of my neighborhood and seeing how close this awful thing was to my home made me sick to my stomach. although life is back to normal for me it is not back to normal for so many families in my town. So many homes were swept away, loved ones missing or terribly hurt, all of it just breaks your heart to know, hear, or see. BUT i was reminded tonight that i serve a God that is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He is never leaving us. no matter what happens in our lives we can respond to God`s goodness and love regardless of whats going on in our lives. we just have to choose to. Some might can not think of anything to praise Him for through these tornado's but the fact that God never changes is something that is always worth praise. So my prayer for this is "Help me to praise you, Lord, regardless of the weather" I understand not everyone had a tornado come through there town but it doesn't have to be something like that. for example this past Sunday i got mad on the way to church and i let it effect me the whole time instead of forgetting about it and focusing on Jesus. That was my "storm" for the day. So i think you get the picture now. on to point number two.
2.) " Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!/ O what a fortaste of glory divine./ Heir of salvation, purchase of God,/ born of His Spirit, washed in His blood." -Fanny Crosby
i love this song. i love old hymns in general really but tonight this one reminded me of the precious treasure we have in Jesus. We always put our hope in something, promising to do this and that. we always like to be so sure of something, everyone likes being right and never proven wrong but lets face it at least one time in your life you have broken a promise, our hope has been washed away and we have been wrong....a lot. But no matter how many times a promise has been broken, hope was lost, and you were wrong as a follower of Jesus Christ you can always have the assurance in one thing. Jesus is ours- in our lives, in our hearts. He is there not wanting to go anywhere. Having him gives us a fortaste of what is to come, the glory he promises us in heaven with his Father. Isn't that so cool!!! So no matter how many times this world fails you, you can be certain of this- Jesus is yours. And his promises are yours as well. My prayer is this " thank you for giving me blessed assurance in you!"
and last but not least. number 3.) " How i need to order my life around one incredible thought: God is to be honored in all i do. My hearts desire is to be so overwhelmed with...God that my life cannot help but bring Him glory." -Cynthia Healed
i loved this quote! It describes what i have been praying and working for for a while now. I want to bring him glory just like how i breath or walk. I want it to be an everyday thing that i cant help but do. Its what we were made to do. Just like the sun was made to rise and shine he made us to do the display his glory. What if just like the sun warms the earth we radiate the warmth of God`s love to others. How awesome would that be. I want my hearts desire, above all else to be Him. my prayer here is " Lord i want to honor you today in everything i do." So the next time you watch a sunrise think of how you can bring glory to God on that day just like the sun is.
So i know all that was a lot. but i just wanted to share it with anyone who reads this. i hope you were encouraged and challenged by these just as much as i was.
Until next time. jordan katlin.