Monday, June 7, 2010


long time no see my friends. how are we? i haven't been on here in quiet some time. A few grand things have happened since then...
a.) i finished aesthetic school..not only finished but I'm only one test away from getting my license. you have no idea how happy that makes me. and of course I'm sure your wondering...."where are you going to work once your done?" well I'm not so sure. I've looked at a view places in Chattanooga as far as makeup shops but it didn't workout. ill start looking at salons and spas closer to august.
b.)I'm starting to make a little money again. I'm babysitting my cousins for the summer. and i cant complain at all.
c.) i have come to find out i LOVE mocha lattes. they are SO good. mmm makes me want one right now just thinking about it. :)
d.) it will be nine months for me and Alex next week. Yay.
e.) i have started reading Nicolas Sparks books and i absolutely love them. even though each one of them makes me cry at the end i still love all of them.
f.) Vegas- camp, sunshine, hot weather, Alex, my family, not Cleveland, Pei Wei, Sheridan's, in-n-out, plane rides, great fellowship. all in less then 3 days. cant. wait.
g.) God has taught me how to trust him more and more and more. and it has not been easy at all. but it sure has been worth it.
h.) i have also come to love the show wife swap....and ghost adventures.....i know. imma loser. so I've been told.

So I'm sure a lot more great things have happened that I'm leaving off here but to sum it all up. i love life right now. :)
But on a sad little note....
a.) my nose ring fell out and i couldn't put it back in so i went and got it periced again and yep you guessed it, it fell out too. i guess I'm not meant to have a nose ring :(
b.) i gave my little fur ball, charlie away. it was kinda bitter sweet. he was getting so messy and collecting to many gnats in my room that i just couldn't handle. but he is so cute. i miss him and i hope he is enjoying his new home. he will always be precious to me and i hold him in a special place on my heart :)

I'm looking forward to what this summer has in store for me. the things planed and the things unplanned. I'm ready to grow and learn and love and trust and find and have fun. i hope you all have a fabulous summer too. Have a great Monday! you are loved.
-jordan katlin.